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IPOMOPSIS AGGREGATA plantes concaseur

IPOMOPSIS AGGREGATA plantes concaseur

1989年8月1日  This prediction was supported for Ipomopsis aggregata, a long‐lived herbaceous plant pollinated by hummingbirds. In six replicate pollination experiments,

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2002年1月1日  To test this prediction, I examined the relationships between multiple components of plant abundance and pollination, reproductive success, and phenotypic

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2007年5月9日  We previously reported substantial outbreeding depression in lifetime fitness of progeny resulting from crosses among parents separated by 100 m in natural

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Natural selection in Ipomopsis hybrid zones: implications for ...

2003年11月6日  Flowers of Ipomopsis: (a) Ipomopsis aggregata aggregata; (b) F 1 hybrid; (c) Ipomopsis tenuituba tenuituba. Since 1992, my colleagues and I have studied contact

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The effects of nutrient addition on floral characters and

2008年10月11日  Ipomopsis aggregata, a monocarp, responded to fertilization in the year of treatment application, increasing flower production, bloom duration, corolla width, nectar

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2017年8月15日  "optimal outcrossing distance." This prediction was supported for Ipomopsis aggregata, a long­ lived herbaceous plant pollinated by hummingbirds. In six

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American Journal of Botany

1991年4月1日  The Ipomopsis aggregata complex consists of diploid, outcrossing, perennial herbs. The group is highly variable morphologically and is treated as three

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2017年7月22日  plant Ipomopsis aggregata (Waser and Price 1983, 1989). Comparing the progeny of parents separated by 100 m to those of parents separated by 10 m,

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Ipomopsis Aggregata - an overview ScienceDirect Topics

Ipomopsis Aggregata From: Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, 2004 Optimal Foraging and Plant–Pollinator Co-Evolution G.H. Pyke, in Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2010

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Ipomopsis aggregata Skyrocket, Scarlet gilia PFAF Plant

Ipomopsis aggregata is a BIENNIAL/PERENNIAL growing to 1 m (3ft 3in) by 0.3 m (1ft) at a slow rate. See above for USDA hardiness. It is hardy to UK zone 7. It is in flower from June to July. The species is hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs). Suitable for: light (sandy) and medium (loamy) soils and prefers well-drained soil.

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Ipomopsis aggregata Calflora

Ipomopsis aggregata is a perennial herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in western North America. This plant is available commercially. Jepson eFlora. [Wikipedia] Description, Taxonomy,

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Nectar robbing in Ipomopsis aggregata : effects on pollinator behavior ...

Hummingbirds foraging in alpine meadows of central Colorado, United States, face a heterogeneous distribution of nectar rewards. This study investigated how variability in nectar resources caused by nectar-robbing bumblebees affected the foraging behavior of hummingbird pollinators and, subsequently, the reproductive success of a host plant

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2002年1月1日  To test this prediction, I examined the relationships between multiple components of plant abundance and pollination, reproductive success, and phenotypic selection via female fitness on four floral traits in artificial and natural populations of the hummingbird-pollinated Ipomopsis aggregata.

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Ipomopsis aggregata - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

2024年2月1日  Distribución. Ipomopsis aggregata es una especie nativa de los Estados Unidos continentales y Canadá.Es originaria del oeste de Norteamérica, crece principalmente en la zona central a las regiones occidentales y que van desde el norte de la Columbia Británica hasta México.. Descripción. Ipomopsis aggregata es una planta

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Ipomopsis aggregata - Wikipedia

2024年2月15日  Distribución. Ipomopsis aggregata ye una especie nativa de los Estaos Xuníos continentales y Canadá.Ye orixinaria del oeste d'América del Norte, crez principalmente na zona central a les rexones occidentales y que van dende'l norte de la Columbia Británica hasta Méxicu. Descripción. Ipomopsis aggregata ye una planta

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Ipomopsis — Wikipédia

6 天之前  Ipomopsis est un genre de plantes à fleurs dicotylédones de la famille des Polemoniaceae. Liste d'espèces. Selon ITIS: Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant; Ipomopsis arizonica (Greene) Wherry; Ipomopsis congesta (Hook.) V. Grant; Ipomopsis depressa (M.E. Jones ex Gray) V. Grant; Ipomopsis effusa (Gray) Moran; Ipomopsis ...

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Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V.E. Grant (Plantes útils)

Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V.E. Grant. Família Polemoniaceae. Gènere Ipomopsis. Plantes útils

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Southwest Colorado Wildflowers, Ipomopsis aggregata

2023年12月11日  Pursh called the plant, "Cantua aggregata". The plant has endured dozens of scientific name changes since 1814. The name "Gilia aggregata" was given in 1825 by Sprengel and in 1956 Polemoniaceae experts, Verne and Alva Grant assigned the name, "Ipomopsis aggregata", but as often happens with a name that has been so long

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Skyrocket, Ipomopsis Aggregata - American Southwest

2024年1月27日  Skyrocket, or ipomopsis aggregata, is a common wildflower all across the West, found in a range of habitats including canyons, sagebrush plains, pinyon-juniper woodland, coniferous forests and open mountain slopes; seven subspecies are recognized, differing in such aspects as pollen color and the shape of the leaf tips.The trumpet

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Plant Anticancer Agents XXX: Cucurbitacins from Ipomopsis aggregata ...

1984年3月1日  NOTES Plant Anticancer Agents XXX: Cucurbitacins from Ipomopsis aggregata (Polemoniaceae)Munehisa Arisawa, * * Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University, Sugitani 2630, Toyama 930-01, Japan Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Toyama Medical and Pharmaceutical University

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Natural selection in Ipomopsis hybrid zones: implications for ...

2003年11月6日  Number of seeds sired per flower for various combinations of male and female parent within experimental arrays of Ipomopsis aggregata, Ipomopsis tenuituba and natural hybrid plants (male parents: filled columns, I. aggregata; open columns, I. tenuituba; hatched columns, hybrid). (a) Flowers on all plants in this array were painted red.

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The effects of nutrient addition on floral characters and

2008年10月11日  The availability of soil and pollination resources are main determinants of fitness in many flowering plants, but the degree to which each is limiting and how they interact to affect plant fitness is unknown for many species. We performed resource (water and nutrients) and pollination (open and supplemental) treatments on two species of

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Ipomopsis aggregata - Plants of the World Online Kew

The native range of this species is W. Canada to N. Mexico. It is a biennial or perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. Taxonomy. Images. Distribution. Synonyms. Accepted Infraspecifics. Classification. Publications.

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Vascular Plants of the Gila Wilderness-- Ipomopsis aggregata

2023年7月14日  Ipomopsis aggregata (Pursh) V. Grant subsp. texana (Greene) Ipomopsis aggregata is an erect herb with divided leaves with linear segments that have needle tips (mucronate). The flowers are bright orange red, with the tube and lobes much exceeding the sepals. The lobes and inside of the tube are marked with orange over the orange red.

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2007年5月9日  Total outbreeding depression suffered by 100-m relative to 10-m progeny was approximately 10%, compared to approximately 30% in our earlier study of I. aggregata. Progeny of 10-m crosses also outperformed 1-m and 100-m progeny of the 1990 diallel by approximately 5%, but no difference among crossing distance treatments was significant.

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[PDF] The effects of nutrient addition on floral characters and ...

2009年7月1日  Ipomopsis aggregata, a monocarp, responded to fertilization in the year of treatment application, increasing flower production, bloom duration, corolla width, nectar production, aboveground biomass, and pollen receipt relative to control plants. Fertilization also increased total seed production per plant, and hand-pollination increased seeds ...

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Ipomopsis aggregata Scarlet Gilia Wildflowers of the

Flower tubes 3/4–1 1/2 in., topped with pointed lobes, stamens extending outward. Grows in dry soils, in openings of woodlands, meadows, in all elevations. Subsp. aggregata has orange-red flowers speckled white, tube gradually flaring to the lobes. Subsp. formosissima has white or yellow pollen, stem leaves sharply lobed. Rarity: Common.

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Ipomopsis aggregata - Native Plant Society of Texas

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Nectar Production Patterns in Ipomopsis aggregata

ABSTRACT. This study describes nectar production patterns for Ipomopsis aggregata and discusses their potential adaptive and ecological significance. It also examines the influence of environmental and other factors on nectar production rate (NPR) and nectar sugar concentration. For I. aggregata there were no NPR differences with flower age.

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